Saturday, April 19, 2008

Here at last ...

... for Nige and Susan is the shot of the feeder I have in my garden that seems gray squirrel-proof. Notice that it hangs on a pole away from anything the critters can cling to. Lord knows, they've tried. Just for good measure, I tossed in a photo of the first tulip we had this spring.


  1. Ah that's lovely Frank - thanks. If I'd mastered the technology I'd send you my Fritillary and Blue Anemone. As for that bird feeeder, by the look of it my squirrel wld crack that one by hanging from the pole by his tail and clinging on with his front paws - that's what he does with the one I've got hanging from a thin branch of my apple tree.

  2. Hi Nige,
    They apparently can't get a grip on this pole and the feeder swings when they try to hold on to it. Plus, it isn't easy to get the sunflower seeds out of the feeder. The birds have no problem, but the squirrels do. I am currently spending a lot getting bags and bags of hot pepper to keep the buggers from digging up what I've just planted. Would love to see the Fritillary and Blue Anemone. Given your weather lately I'm surprised anything has come up. Have you ever read J.C. Powys's A Glastonbury Romance? The first chapter is a wonderful evocation of an English spring.

  3. Anonymous5:55 PM

    I am also surprised that feeder has daunted the squirrels. It seems they could lean out from the brick wall. I told you what the wretches did with our "squirrel-proof" feeder. They obviously have prehensile back toes.
