Saturday, November 22, 2008

Hmm ...

... What type is that blog? Typealyzer.

Since this blog's posts tend to be pretty evenly divided between Judith and me I assume the resulting analysis is of the resulting duet. We are classified among the scientists. A lot of it seems applicable to both us - though I don;t think either of us has ever been "physically hesitant to try new things." Patience is the one thing I have learned in life. Judith can speak for herself on the matter. I also don't think either of us tends toward the abstract, though I suspect I do more than she. But then, she's a Scopio and I'm a Libran.
I plugged in Petrona (sorry Maxine, I couldn't resist) and it types Maxine among the Mechanics. I don't find the image suits my dear friend, and I can't see her as race driver or firefighter, but in other respects it sounds like what she in fact does day in, day out.


  1. Patience is a Victory, says I; and, that chantra works for me when another (always passive-aggressive) takes her / his own sweet time responding or revealing or just plain forking something over. Gag me with a spoon :).

    That's our collective personality type, INTJ? Not bad, really, considering the fact this is a variation on The Keirsey Temparament Sorter (which costs, now; but, it didn't charge earlier).

    Some call it the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI); and, over the years, I've taken the test three or four different times with the same result each time: INFJ (so, the "T," which stands for Tertiary in the Jungian Functional Preference Ordering reveals, in y/our case, we're "Introverted Thinkers" which, despite your assertion you aren't an introverted thinker, proves otherwise (whether you like it or not :)).

    Have you ever taken this test?

    You (or anyone interested in The Sorter can find out their type by visiting The Personality Page where The Personality-Type Portraits can be viewed).

    Har. I'm a Scopio? Even though I know it's just a typo, I likes it. It's a good neologism; thus, natch, now also stolen from you.

    You, Blog-a-BoyFriend, definitely conform to the Libran type (which, although I know little about this kind of thing, I do know Librans are balanced individs, right?).

    Yeah, though, I definitely scope things out before I leap out of the frying pan and make a splash landing in hot water surrounded by sharks, inevitably.

    Maxine's ISTP? Hrm . . . Maybe after you read the descrip, Maxine, you'll be able to better confirm or deny this designation?

    I'm wondering about Dave, too; so, before anything's done, I think I shall hazard a guess: ENFJ.

    Of course, this is a test; this is only a test; and, to offset this test, I offer an alternative one:

    Ten Secrets Your Handwriting Might Reveal; and, now? I'm going to scrutinise your handwriting to find out if you are who or what you say are.

    If I find out anything savoury, you can count on me to blab it all immediately :)!

    p.s. Of course, of course; this proves it: I'm procrastinating, obvo; writing to crunch-line does that to me. All of a sudden, this is the most important thing in the galaxy!

  2. Ah, I see. Based on Meyers-Briggs, which is of course based on Jung's typology.

    It came up with INTP for me, which is close. I've taken MB before, and I usually come up as INFP, but often enough I am 50/50 between F/T, so this works. But it misses a few things.

    I wonder what their algorithm's criteria are.

  3. Anonymous8:08 PM

    For me:

    "They respect authority and are loyal team players."

    Bwahahaha! Yeah, right.

  4. Ed, you mean you're not?

  5. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Well, being mechanical, I don't set much store by these things. None in fact. But they sure are the fuel that keeps the blogosphere going (along with memes).
