Friday, October 14, 2011

Playing it safe ...

... PBS Programming Continues to Aim Low | Sightings by Terry Teachout - (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

... in theory, PBS isn't commercial—except, of course, that it really is. It's an audience-driven business that dons the discreet fig leaf of public service in order to justify the government subsidies, corporate contributions, foundation grants and individual donations that keep it afloat. And what do we get for all that money? "Antiques Roadshow" and "Masterpiece Mystery!"

Bring back that "vast wasteland," with things like Play of the Week.


  1. One wonderful antidote to the vapidity of PBS arts programming is Classic Arts Showcase, a privately-funded satellite feed that airs on public stations around the country. (Here in D.C., the Howard University station airs it for much of the weekend.) Essentially an MTV for classical music and dance, CAS serves up clips of great performances, often organized around themes. It's a terrific sampler, and it's free.

  2. It won't actually have success, I consider this way.
