Saturday, August 24, 2013

Ringside …

… Who is winning the information war: security services or the new disruptive journalists? | Charlie Beckett. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

The problem here is that the government is using the security issue as a pretext for spying in general. The real reason seems strictly political. After all, the President is disdainful of phrases like "war on terror." But he has joked about IRS auditing.


  1. Anonymous8:25 PM

    This is my last time to read your blog. You have become paranoid about the federal government and assume the worst, giving no benefit of the doubt. I think you must be a frequent viewer of Fox News.

  2. No, I'm a frequent reader of, among others, the Guardian and Der Spiegel. I don't get my news from TV. See ya.

  3. Oh, and I also value my freedom and my privacy.

  4. Anonymous, what are you afraid of? That someone might investigate you if you use your own name?

    Oh wait, that might be paranoid...
