Monday, June 12, 2023

Enemies within …

A World Beyond Us: On Adam Kirsch’s “The Revolt Against Humanity”.  (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

The figures discussed by Kirsch fall into two groups that both “welcome” the fast-approaching “end of humanity’s reign on earth.” First are the “Anthropocene antihumanists.” Like environmental activists who predict “doomsday”—and for the same reasons—they anticipate the extinction of humanity, or, at any rate, of civilization as we know it. Unlike those activists, however, they celebrate, rather than bemoan or resist, our forthcoming demise. Nature, which we are in the business of destroying—along with ourselves—will be much better off without us. Second are the “transhumanists,” for whom humanity will not be entirely erased but transformed into “new forms of intelligent life that will no longer be 
Homo sapiens,” such as computers equipped with artificial general intelligence

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