Something to think on …

Every government has as much of a duty to avoid war as a ship's captain has to avoid a shipwreck
— Guy de Maupassant, who died on this date in 1893

Something to think on …

An artist cannot speak about his art any more than a plant can discuss horticulture.
— Jean Cocteau, born on this date in 1889

F. Scott Fitzgerald


It's not often that you willingly -- proactively -- read an unfinished novel. And it's probably less often, still, that you enjoy the experience. But having set a goal to read all of F. Scott Fitzgerald's major novels, The Last Tycoon was on my list (it was the last of his novels on the list). I recently read the book, and I must say, despite is unfinished status, the experience was a rewarding one. 

Tycoon is not a perfect novel: in my reading, the book lacks the glitter of Gatsby and the thoroughness of Tender is the Night. There is, perhaps, too much dialogue in Tycoon and not enough context, not enough character arc. But then, the pleasure of reading the novel outweighed all of this. Fitzgerald was a stylist of the first order, and while his writing had a certain flourish, it was never overdone. Tycoon has that charm, that style, especially the sections where histories overlap.  

Tycoon is unfinished and the sense at the end is of a work wanting more. But that's understood when you start the novel: that's the deal you make. Given that Fitzgerald died days after completing the latest chapter, there's a certain poignancy to the whole thing: it's as if you're reading the story not only of Hollywood and its personalities, but of Fitzgerald's final moments. There are not many novels which serve this dual function. 

Something to think on …

It is now life and not art that requires the willing suspension of disbelief.
— Lionel Trilling, born on this date in 1906

Something to think on …

Atheism is a crutch for those who cannot bear the reality of God.
— Tom Stoppard, born on this date in1936

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

This is terrible …

… Lesbian couple beaten up by gang in homophobic attack during birthday night out | World News | Metro News.

I’m terminally straight myself — several young woman have a crush on me —but my friend Katherine shared power for for a gay couple, who were dear friends. People are as thry are. Leave them alone.

Haiku …

 Wisteria drapes

It's clusters over the world

Rendering heaven.

Jennifer Knox

Somehing to think on …

Art is the contemplation of the world in a state of grace.
— Hermann Hesse, born on this date in 1877

Monday, July 01, 2024

Blogging note …

 I got off to a late start, and i must now go out for my daily walk. Blogging will resume later.

Something to think on …

There is only one happiness in this life, to love and be loved.
— George Sand, born on tis date in 180&