Sunday, July 21, 2024

The big screen …

 How one bad scene can ruin an otherwise great movie - The Spectator World.

My acquaintance with film  goes back along way. When I was very small, my grandmother got a job at the Century Theater at Sixth and Erie. She used to take me with her. Mr. Hirsch, the owner, was very kind to me, andi I believe he let my family in for free. Then we moved away in 1949. But in college one of my friends was Dick Corliss. He was the film of the college newspaper that I was the editor of. We went to lots of movies. Those were the days of the French Nouvelle Vague. So we saw alot of Truffaut, Godard, Varda, Rohmer. Dick went onto to become the movie for Time. I once introduced introduce Umberto Eco auther of  The Name of the Rose, which was made into a major film at the Philadelphia Library. We had a wonderful time taling afterwards at the bar across the street in the hotel he was staying at. Ah, those were the days.

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