Sunday, January 01, 2006

Had your book rejected?

Well, you have distinguished company.


  1. Perhaps I've just been reading Grumpy Old Bookman too much, but is it possible that, despite the prizes, they just aren't that great? I haven't read either, so I'm really talking out of my ass here, but it IS a possibility.

  2. I dunno....I didn't get the impression that that was where your vioce was coming from...LOL

    It doesn't surprise me. I think us unpublished writers chances of getting published are...being at the right place at the right time!

  3. Naipaul really is a great writer, Frank. Middleton I don't know.

    And yes, Bonnie, much about publishing does involve "being at the right place at the right time."

    Finally, I'm afraid that Melville, as usual, is spot on. How many times in the past year did we see references to the next "Da Vinci Code"? That's why I suspect that the blogosphere is going to start contributing to the discovery of new writers.
