Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I've done my writing for the day ...

... but maybe you're up for The 50-word challenge. (Hat tip, Maxine Clarke.)


  1. Those guys wandering in Paris want you to have a google account to post a comment. Booooooo .... They won't accept a blogger login and password. They SAY they will but they LIE.

    Silly server switches set wrong
    kept me from posting my song
    a French pain in the ass
    this site seems too crass,
    its sole purpose to keep Google strong.

    Less than 50 word stories ain't too tough, here's one with less.

    Reviewing the Bookstore Massacre

    And when I asked where they kept
    The Cummings and Pounds?
    She pointed lemon lips at me
    And spurted primly, "Paper bound
    Poets are on the backside of humor.
    Aisle thirty-three B!"
    And that's what I found.


  2. Neat poem, Beau. Thanks.

  3. But thank heavens for site metre hey beau blue. I've found your contributions and if you don't mind will post both of them later.

  4. V, Sure thing. Thanks. -blue

  5. Frank, thanks for the nod. Thanks for the article link. -blue


    I thought I did this earlier when I posted. Must have clipped it. [shrug] it's the ADD, I'm sure of it.
