Wednesday, January 19, 2011

This should attract readers ...

Where newspapers get the idea that people whose primary interest is pop music are just waiting to hear newspapers weigh in on that subject is beyond me. Newspapers might try attracting readers by focusing on people whose primary interest is reading. The problem is that many people who work at newspapers desperately want to be hip, or to have others think that they are. Of course, wanting to be hip is a sure sign that you aren't. You're either hip or you're not. And if you really are hip, and work for a newspaper, trust me, watch out.


  1. Thank you, Frank, for your common sense.

    It's the "Dealhunter" column I'm waiting for ... not.

    I can't stand the "Arts and Entertainment" approach, as if the two were synonyms, or near-synonyms.

  2. "Of course, wanting to be hip is a sure sign that you aren't."

