Saturday, December 24, 2011

Greets and treats ...

... That's a wrap! - The Globe and Mail.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for this, Dear Friend 'n' Partner-in-Charms des Lits dat matter.

    And, to all, the most merriest and happiest year upcoming t'all!

    Undeniably, J/DiT

    Thank the Lard for altruistic friends
    The ones thinking of others
    In a universe of thrills, spills, and forever-ends
    It is comforting living in the light of love
    Friendship brings us, unbidden, the hope to rise above
    So, have one on me, mes Books, Inq. amies
    And all my love (poetically doggerella-ish) I sends
    That none of us ever breaks; and each of us platonicall bends (or something that this poemalette rhythmically ends . . .)!
