Friday, January 15, 2016

God bless them …

 Oxford University To Students: Grow The Hell Up - The Daily Beast.


  1. I think there is a distinction that needs to be made. How you commemorate someone with an uncomfortable history. Do we allow a statue to be built in honour of Rhodes? Do we allow a scholarship to continue running in his name? Think of Hitler. Would we allow these things in Hitler's name? Allowing debate does not preclude removing some figures from places of importance or relevance on campus. This is not washing away of history; it is looking at it from today's perspective.

  2. Well, I have no problem removing his statue if they also do away with the scholarship. I haven't heard of anyone returning their scholarship money. I just don't see how we can practically insist that the past conform to our values, without forgoing the benefits the past has conferred on us. Happily, Hitler did not endow a scholarship. But suppose he had endowed a research hospital for childhood diseases. Would we close it down? Why not just face the unpleasant fact that a world-class villain did something worthwhile. Men are not of a piece. Saints can be petty at times, and blackguards can occasionally be kind. This world is messy place. Revising and editing history will not help.
