Thursday, January 14, 2016

Worrisome indeed …

… The Replicability Crisis in Science | Science Set Free. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

… scientists are people, and like other people have different temperaments and personalities from each other, are often competitive, and prefer their own hypothesis to be right rather than wrong. In most branches of science, scientists publish only a small percentage of their data, 10% or less, and obviously select the “best” results to publish, leaving inconvenient or inconclusive data unpublished. The problem is made worse by a systematic bias against replications within the sciences. Researchers who replicate other people’s work find it hard, if not impossible, to get their papers published, because replication is not deemed to be original, and most journals pride themselves on publishing original research.
Which is why those who place their "faith" in science believe in "settled science" and call others "deniers."

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