Monday, June 26, 2006

RIP Bruno the Bear

Bavarian hunters kill Bruno the bear I believe he had said he would never be taken alive.


  1. I guess we know why there's no bears in Germany....Kinda sad...I had a bear at my bird feeders for three days last week. I never entertained a thought of shottoing him!

  2. Anonymous6:57 AM

    This is sad. I, too, had a bear at my bird feeder recently. A first! Of course, I spent about 48 hours hiding in the house for fear if I ventured to the hand pump at the well in the backyard, he'd be there.

    Older, bigger bears force the young males to find their own territory. When I called the local game warden about "my" bear, he said something like: "Learn to love him." A trip to the well has become a whole new experience!
