Friday, November 03, 2006

This morning's OWL report ...

... these are the headlines for the stories gathered by our intrepid Omnipresent Wisconsin Librarian (OWL), Dave Lull:

Update: The title of OWL was bestowed on Dave by the estimable Patrick Kurp of Anecdotal Evidence.

Let's start with The Decline of Europe.

From headstone to stepping-stone: Workers dig up grave mystery in Emily Dickinson's history.

Guess it isn't just newspapers. Those pesky 18 to 34-year-olds aren't into art either: Survey finds a decline in attendance for the arts. Note this: "Folks who read literature and attend the arts are more than twice as likely as others to do volunteer work, and at least 50% more likely to attend sporting events or take part in athletics." So the young folk don't read, go to museums or the opera, and don't even head to the stadium. What do they do?

The emptiness of glamour: Adam Kirsch considers Gore Vidal in Making It. Since I first saw him on the Jack Paar show, Vidal has struck me as being among the emptiest of men.

A good question: Why do genre novels never win the literary prizes?

Ouch! Jack slices, then crushes, a friend. I actually sense a bit of dry, good humor in this. Of course, you can never be sure with someone who likes Wagner.

Always intriguing to hear what Professor Paglia has to say: Cruising with Camille.

Let us pray more and more people decide to take this advice: Bozzy's Blues.

And, finally, An Icon of the City Gets an Opening.

Update: I forgot one: Babbling of Green Fields.


  1. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Love the interview with Camille Paglia. She is my favorite intellectual -- not only can she think, but, unlike so many academics, she can WRITE. (And I can't believe she's 59; she doesn't look it at all.)

    Can't say all the cool people live in NYC or L.A.!

  2. You're right, Susan: Camille's as cool as they come.
