Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Oh, no ...

... not again: Author admits acclaimed memoir is fantasy.

Maybe it's time for publishers to start being a little less credulous.


  1. GEEEEZ! HALF THE FICTION AIN'T HALF AS FICTIONAL AS HALF THE MEMOIRS OUT THERE. Maybe there's a publishing lesson in this. It's tougher and tougher to get fiction published, but non-fiction -- esp. "personal" non-fiction in an Oprah-oriented culture -- has an easier time of it. So, hopeful authors, seeing a door into which to put a foot . . . ?

  2. Anonymous8:29 PM

    I love memoirs, and I hate it when people pass fiction off as memoirs because it makes you question whether all the others are true. This book probably would still have done well if marketed as a novel. So annoyed...
