Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Information vs. knowledge ...

... A heretical thought for a journalist. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Would you be better off canceling The New York Times and committing yourself to reading Dostoevsky and Faulkner instead? Is the man who travels around the world constantly and reads several papers and websites a day really more knowledgeable about the way the world works than the farmer who tends his field and takes care of his animals and his little patch of ground in the world?

I read very little of the daily paper. I also find that the view of reality I see depicted there is usually at odds with what I sense reality is from what I learn online - in fact, this usually turns out to be the case. Of course, most of my reading is in literature and philosophy and history and theology. The news is repetitively superficial. I come into contact with it, but don't really pay it much attention. And those who get hung up on it strike me as mildly deranged.

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