Sunday, August 03, 2008

Wasting away ...

... On Being Thin.

As long as Bryan feels good, more power to him. I weigh more than I did 20 years ago - though not much more - but I've always thought it was not be a good idea to weigh the same as I did when I was a youth. I am also fascinated (appalled?) by those gaunt and harried-looking men my age trying desperately (or so it seems to me) to stay in competition with guys half their age. Bear in mind, my doctor tells me I'm quite healthy (perhaps I should worry about that). I can walk the 2.2 miles from here to The Inquirer in about 35 minutes and not be remotely out of breath. In the long run, though, I will be dead.


  1. Anonymous11:13 AM

    So shall we all, dear Frank. Let us live now, 'cause it's all we've got.

    What summer soups have you to recommend, btw? I'm not hungry but I have to cook something for la familia. You're the best soup maker I know, boy.

  2. Your best bet on short notice would be Italian wedding soup (stracciatella). Plenty of recipes online - just take a look at couple and then, to borrow a tile from Pirandello, "Tonight we improvise."

  3. Oh, and the "in the long run" line, is not original with me. I was alluding to something Lord Keynes said, when asked about what the effect of something he was proposing would be "in the long run." "In the long run," he replied, "we're all dead."
    Though I, of course, do not think that this is all we have. Life is a prelude.
