Saturday, November 15, 2008

Check Out . . .

. . . Greg Quill's profile of Don Felder, author of Heaven and Hell: My Life in the Eagles (1974-2001).

Hrm . . . It only took him twenty-seven years to exit the next-to-worst band on earth, poor guy.


  1. Next-to-worst? I was never a fan, so maybe. What's the worst?

  2. Eeek! You mean I have to tell you, IOW? OMGulp, they'll be all over me slathering me with insults, broiling me to a crips, destroying my street cred; but . . . I cannae stan' Led Zep, nope, I simply cannae stand it as a band. Sux, IMO. Had the misfortune of being married to a guy who owned everything the band ever recorded. Know all the words to all the songs, can pick out a song after the first note, practically, still hate it. Sowwy . . . Er . . . No, I'm not. I'm happy I NEVER have to listen to another of its CDs for the duration. I think "Stairway To Heaven" is the most over-rated song of all time; ranks (and I mean ranks) right up there with "Honey" (Bobby Goldsboro) and "Wildfire" (Michael Martin Murphy). When I divorced the EX, I thought about using the Led-Zep defense, in fact; he wouldn't cease and couldn't resist playing its music to the point where I am terminally shattered by the fact I have heard Led Zep IV a zabillion times or more. I'm a Led-Zep Zombie and I don't mean maybe, Baby. In fact, before we married? I made him promise NEVER to play the band during meals or merry-go-roundings, so to speak. He tried! Hate the band because it ripped off all the ol' blues masters and, I think I'm alone in hating the band, actually; which is why I am now going to go hide @ the top of the stairway to hell!

    J/kiddin' . . . But, ick! Ughly Lip-Schtick. And, no, I don't covet anyone's instruments in the band, either. Happy, now? I am :).
