Saturday, November 08, 2008

Not WISCONSIN Librarians!!1!

Madison, Wisconsin librarians dance to victory with book carts.




  1. And for those librarians who aren't inclined to engage in the peformance arts with their book carts, but are still book cart artists, there's the Pimp My Bookcart competition.

  2. WOW! I had no idea; it's a whole universe of BookcArtesiana . . . Okay, Dave, 'fess up! (My fave's on page six, bottom middle, wonder why?) If you are responsible for one of these, then you've just revealed a side of you that brings me to my knees. (Do you, come to think of it, wear matching knee pads to get to the bottom shelf of these?)

    When are the Olympages; and, more to the point, did you enter yours? It's now or nebbish, LuLL.

  3. No, I've never pimped a book cart. But one of my colleagues has, and she organized a book cart drill team. Unfortunately, the photos of the team are no longer on the web.

    The contest closed on October 31 and the winners will be announced in "mid-November."

    But you can take a look at the winners for 2006 and 2007.

    Why is it that you like the one on page six?

  4. Awe-mazing! These are works of art, truly; I hope they make their way to The Smithsonian's all I can say. I *love* Pink Cadillac; but, that faux-UPS one's pretty stellar as well (not to menton the others, they're so colourful, humourous, and va-va-vroomerous). Help on wheels, indeedly!

    That does it. I'm going back to library school; no wonder my friends, John Donlan and Bob Buckeye, are such happy guys :).

    Oh, Dave, that one on Page Six clicks with me because it's black and white, right? I'd love to own it. Why? Bet it would stop book thieves dead in their stacks.

    Ouch :).
