Sunday, November 09, 2008

Salman Rushdie:

The outlook is bleak.


  1. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Mr. Rushdie can go get stuffed. I am very satirical in my imagination, and I have no problem glimpsing the things that I like. It's all the hateful detritus getting in the way of a sunny view that any good satirist has the duty to skewer.

  2. Hehe . . . You think he needs to go get stuffed, Ed? I think he's already fullup with his terminally narcissistic brand of bullshittery that, IMO, seems to grow exponentially, no matter what we do or say when it comes to Mr. Me Me Me in perpetuity.

    Or, as Art says, Hear, hear!

    However, there are some among us who worship the page upon which he writes (and, it is for those I deliver the dejectamental rejectamental BITEs). Me? I worship the ground which awaits him (after he is, of course, unstuffed and restuffed with whatever it is they use to bloat a corpse these daze in the Satanic Satirical boggy-foggy haze). How do I stuff He? Let me count the days :).
