Sunday, October 11, 2009

Another wonderful installment ...

... of Dictator-lit: Comrade Brezhnev goes to war.

... after that opening scene in which he is sent flying, the Brezhnev ectoplasm only becomes corporeal twice: while fleeing from a falling explosive (he was the one to detect its approach, of course) and when confronted by an advancing horde of Germans. At last Brezhnev locates his hands and seizes a machine gun, opening fire. However, this moment of action comes to a swift conclusion when real soldiers arrive in the trench. "One of them touched my arm," says Brezhnev. "Let a machine-gunner take over, comrade colonel," he is told.
I found this scene curiously affecting. I could see the battle-hardened Soviet soldier watching the pompous propagandist playing at being the warrior, and then gently intervening as if to say "there there, give it to me, hairy eyebrows. I'll kill the fascists for you."

1 comment:

  1. Leonid3:26 PM

    Remember that that recent-ish film, "Independence Day" where the American President goes up in the fighter jet to see off the invading baddie aliens? Oh "There there," says Mr President to the terrified minions he governs; "I'll kill the baddies for you."

    That statist/capitalist propaganda can reach such astonishing levels of inanity would seem to defy all credibility, but I suppose as with our statist/communist Brezhnev example, when man bows succumbs to idolatry in its various inane forms, inanity can but result - at one might have imagined impossible levels of stupidity. "Independence Day" one of the most successful commercial films made. Makes one think doesn't it? As Albert Speer, Hitler's Minister for Armaments said at the Nuremberg Trials: "Through technical devices like the radio and loud-speaker 80 million people were deprived of independent thought.....subject to the will of one man."
    The radio and loudspeaker! They were in the Stone Age for goodness sake!
