Thursday, October 08, 2009

Something to consider ...

... I mentioned this to Dave Lull in an email and, having found it online, decided to link to it: 'A Little Conserva-tive'.

Nock has long served as my political lodestone.


  1. I hadn't encountered Nock before, and I quite enjoyed reading this.

    I have to say, his summation of the anarchist position speaks to me very directly. It echoes what I tend to want to believe about humanity, most of the time. It is tempered with Frederick Franck's parallel aspiration for our human evolution, and his awareness of the past century of agony we have caused ourselves. But this serves as a goad, as Franck insists, to improve ourselves all the more, not as an excuse for despair.

  2. Aha! That's why we are so simpatico, Art.
