Sunday, January 17, 2010

But is anyone ready to pay?

... New York Times Ready to Charge Online Readers. (Hat tip, Paul Davis.)

I'm sure in hell not. I do subscribe to the Wall Street Journal online. But it's a better paper.


  1. Why is it a better newspaper? Inquiring readers want to know. Is is because its editorial policies and reporting slant agree with your personal biases?

  2. Actually, it has a broader range of opinion than the Times, fewer errors, and its arts coverage is superb. I give you, for instance, Terry Teachout. I don't choose papers by their editorials, which I never read.

  3. The WSJ's editorials are on every page, starting with the first.

  4. Frank, wouldn't it be great if every time I opened one of your individual postings in order to read it in its entirety or follow the link, you made $.10 or $.20?

    That's what I'd like to see happen.

    It's time to start charging and it's time to start paying for product of value.

    I'd gladly set up a "Quick Click" account with Books, Inq.

  5. You obviously are not very familiar with the WSJ, Ivanhoe. It has long been known for the editorial pages being at odds with its news pages. You also seem not to have noticed that the NYT's editorials are on every page.
