Saturday, January 09, 2010

Well, yeah ...

... Newspaper articles are too long.

The software industry has a concept known as “legacy code,” meaning old stuff that is left in software programs, even after they are revised and updated, so that they will still work with older operating systems. The equivalent exists in newspaper stories, which are written to accommodate readers who have just emerged from a coma or a coal mine. Who needs to be told that reforming health care (three words) involves “a sweeping overhaul of the nation’s health care system” (nine words)? Who needs to be reminded that Hillary Clinton tried this in her husband’s administration without success? Anybody who doesn’t know these things already is unlikely to care. (Is, in fact, unlikely to be reading the article.)

The length isn't the worst of it, though. As the quotes in this story make plain, it the sheer tendentiousness of the so-called context. Actually, plain and simple reporting is nowhere near as easy as putting together the sort of padded tripe Kinsley cites.

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