Tuesday, January 12, 2010

We're all individuals ...

... and we should never forget it: World Wide Mush. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)


  1. I'm going to mark this article, to refer to it every time another person wants me to join yet one more social networking site. It explains really well my feelings about "giving it all away for free online," and also gets into why I really have no interest in FaceBook or Twitter or whatever. All very well said.

  2. Art, I also tend to agree about social networking and particularly about the unimaginative mush that collaboration tends to produce. However, do remember that some of us give it away for free not with the ultimate goal of earning money, not even of earning kudos.

  3. Hey, I give some stuff away for free, too. I just don't like being told I "should" give it ALL away for free. Which is what people seem to want us to do.

  4. Yes, Art, I understand. I'm prickly about most versions of 'should'!

  5. This is what I previously wrote about giving it away. I stand by that. It's why Lanier's comments resonated with me.
