Friday, March 04, 2011

I fear it is so ...

... Another reason why poetry today has a bad name.

I always thought that the best thing about A Coney Island of the Mind was its title, which is from Henry Miller.


  1. Real easy to take a cheap shot at poetry one doesn't like, which clearly Ms. Haven doesn't. This was pretty much just a cheap shot. I can't remotely take it seriously, since Ferlenghetti is a well-known influential poet. Of course, even good poets occasionally write turkeys—including those poets Ms. Haven would no doubt have much more respect for. I'm just trying to figure out if her disdain is only for Ferlenghetti or if it's for the Beats in general. LOL

    The problem with formatting poetry on the ebooks is very much true, though. Although, as I've suggested before, if the readers could take PDFs there would be no problems with future formatting.

  2. Well, as I'm sure you're aware, I', sympathetic to the Beats, but I've never warmed to Ferlinghetti's poetry for some reason.
