Saturday, May 07, 2011

Moral handwringers ...

... spiked | The rise and rise of a�pity-for-Osama lobby.

The most striking thing was the speed with which the great and the good of the Western liberal elite sought to distance themselves from those vulgar, excitable Yanks and to express a more erudite and PC view of OBL’s demise. Barely 24 hours had passed since the dumping of bin Laden’s body in the sea before observers were describing President Obama as a ‘mobster’. ‘Are we gangsters or a Western democracy based on the rule of law?’, asked has-been mayor (and wannabe mayor) Ken Livingstone, who is so used to doing politics in the rarefied environs of London’s mayoral office that he doesn’t realise that the rule of law might not be so neatly applied during a shoot-out in a compound in Pakistan.


  1. Did you see N.T. Wright's comments? I thought they were good, but I need to think through the whole situation before agreeing with him.

  2. The problem with Wright's comments is that he finds what he terms "American exceptionalism" more morally offensive than what the bin Laden's of the world do. I think he's a moral moron hiding behind a Christian facade. And so what if we are "exceptional"? Too bad, Rev.

  3. I read it as bringing up the point that international politics was too complicated to go after bad guys being protected (more or less) within the countries in which they are hiding. Pakistanis are angry that we did that, and the P. government is upset too.

    Of course, I'm glad we got our man despite all of that.
