Saturday, June 04, 2011

Thought for the day ...

What is philosophy for the Catholic but the way intelligence lives its faith?
- Don Colacho


  1. That's an interesting thought. It sparks some responses in me this morning.

    The ideal is when head and heart (and hands) are all working from the same core, in alliance. Intelligence alone isn't enough.

    All too often philosophy, not to mention, is so focused on the mental that it loses sight of the physical. And faith can be blind, if it is centered in the heart without using any intelligence in its expression.

    The problem I often encounter with many philosophers, even those I like and respect, is that when they talk about matters of actual faith experience they miss the point completely. They talk ABOUT, say, mystical experiences, or experiences that happen in deep meditation, but in talking about it they neither convey the experience as an experience, nor do they really grasp it. The same is true in poetry that tells us about an experience instead of working to recreate that experience within us, the readers. It may be very intelligent, but in the end it's not integral.

  2. Very perceptive, Art, especially this:"poetry that tells us about an experience instead of working to recreate that experience within us, the readers."
