Sunday, July 24, 2011

Desire and belief ...

... and more: Nicholas Rescher - Issues in the Philosophy of Religion - Reviewed by Laura Garcia, Boston College - Philosophical Reviews - University of Notre Dame. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

The cabin wherein we are currently ensconced is a fine place to reflect and ponder and I have spent a good bit of time this past week reading about Zen, which seems to encourage us to abandon words and concepts in order to (possibly) grasp reality directly. The effect of this, if I understand it -- and mere understanding is hardly the point -- is that living itself, in all its least details, would be sacramental, i.e., an outward sign of God's grace. Zen seems to understand that most talk about God is talk about an idea.

1 comment:

  1. Frank:

    I've always liked the definition of Zen as "direct pointing." The example commonly given is that haiku, with its Zen associations, is like pointing at the moon - once you've seen it, you no longer need the finger.

