Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Negative capability ...

... Let our angry cardinals believe in their doubts | Richard Holloway | Comment is free | The Guardian. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

It is obvious to us now that economics is as cloudy and inexact a subject as parapsychology, which is why we are depressed when we see our politicians hammering out their rival economic certainties on the airwaves without any sense of the absurdities of the exercise. It is not that we want them to be endlessly swithering over what to do, but we do expect them to have the kind of experimental modesty that will acknowledge when something is not working and try something else. Sadly, like bishops, politicians are never allowed to air their doubts in public.

This piece makes some good points, but overall strikes me as something of a muddle. What makes Mr. Holloway think that, regarding the marriage of same-sex couples, the bishops harbor any doubts? Maybe they should, but I doubt if they do. (My own view? Get the government out of the marriage business and leave it to the different denominations to determine the matter for themselves.)

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