Sunday, April 15, 2012

Pedants and Pharisees …

…  America Magazine What's THAT supposed to mean? (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

This does not surprise me. It was once suggested to me that I might be a heretic merely because I mentioned that some people favor Mary being designated co-Redemptrix. After all, what would have happened if she had not said, "Be it done unto me according to thy word"? 


  1. Once in browsing a list of Usenet mailing lists (Usenet was where we went to bore and defame one another before there were blogs), I noticed "". Looks interesting, I thought, and went to check it out. The first thing I encountered was two guys beating each other up over the Filioque. I decided that life was too short, and went back to comp.lang.whatever.

  2. I remember, and my reaction was much the same.
