Monday, April 09, 2012

Second thoughts …

… What Books Make You Cringe To Remember? | The Awl.

I'm with John Freeman on this (scroll down a bit): I have no regrets for having read and enjoyed anything. Might not enjoy it now, but that's now, not then.


  1. Looks like Ayn Rand and Jack Kerouac win. Lol

    I like what Benjamin Kunkel says here, too.

  2. I make no apologies for liking Kerouac (though I don't think On the Road is his best book). Rand I only read years later for an article I had to write.

  3. Actually, I agree with you about Kerouac, too. I was a little surprised to see so much anti-Beats sentiment in this. Truth is, love them or hate them, their influence and reach was and still is profound. Maybe that's why: people are reacting against their influence by rejecting them.

    My favorite Kerouac has always been the more-or-less Buddhist-inspired stuff, like "The Dharma Bums" and some of the poetic work. I agree, I don't think "On the Road" is his best book.

  4. Yes, The Dharma Bums and Visions of Gerard.
