Thursday, May 17, 2012

A good review, for one...

...What Money Can't Buy, by Michael Sandel – review

I am not sure of Sandel's criticism of a poor man standing in queue for a rich man in return of money. If it helps the poor man and conveniences the rich man, I do not see the immorality in it. I certainly son't see it as "corrupting or degrading to the thing being marketised".


  1. "companies have come into being to allow the well-off to hire a homeless person to go and hold a place in the queue until the rich person turns up just in time for the main event."

    As far as I know, the homeless who queued up for the Vermeer exhibit 15 years ago were freelancers...

    The insurance surprises me a bit. I thought that one had to have an insurable interest in somebody's life, and I don't think that it costs Walmart $300,000 to recruit a new porter.

  2. Hi George, certainly the piece is surprising. But one can agree with the central argument Sandel makes. As for Wal Mart, they have not been known as paragons of corporate ethics.
