Friday, May 18, 2012

Who knew?

… Jack Kerouac Would Vote for Mitt Romney — Acculturated.

Kerouac’s books are filled with rhapsodies about the scenic and mystical, nocturnal beauty of America. In one notable episode, Allen Ginsberg was horsing around with an American flag when Kerouac–a former Catholic, Navy seaman, and football star–quietly took the flag and began to gently fold it. “The flag,” he said to Ginsberg, ”is not a toy.” Kerouac wrote in The Subterraneans that the Dharma Bums “are hip without being slick, they are intelligent without being corny, they are intellectual as hell and know all about Pound without being pretentious and talking too much about it, they are very quiet, they are very Christlike.” One of my favorite images of Kerouac is when he was smoking a joint while watching TV and cheering on none other than communist hunter Senator Joe McCarthy.

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