Monday, October 01, 2012

A victory for freedom …

… Raw Milk Co-Op Farmer Acquitted Through Jury Nullification — Alchemy of the Modern Renaissance || Good Vibes Promotions.

According to Iloilo Jones, director of the Fully Informed Jury Association “Minnesota has long had highly visible FIJA Activists volunteering their time and efforts to educate every potential juror in Minnesota about the right of the people to veto bad laws through the use of the Juror Veto, or, as it is commonly called, Jury Nullification. As laws become more and more invasive, punitive, and draconian, prison populations become more and more peopled by harmless, productive people, who have harmed no other person. Jurors can stop the enforcement of bad laws. Jurors have stopped bad laws since freedom of religion was defended by jurors, and by later jurors who refused to enforce slavery. We, the owners of all government, retain the peaceful, lawful right to refuse to enforce bad laws made by some judge or politician.
I realize that the statists among us, who are legion and often identify themselves as "progressives," may not approve.

1 comment:

  1. Many old-fashioned conservatives (like Burke) may not approve either, Frank. It is a thorny issue.
    Still this has my approval because this is an overreach of government power. I grew up on raw milk, from dairy cow and goat.
    Aside from that, I love this new website. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
