Wednesday, October 03, 2012

Paging Paul Davis …

… 10 classic Bond gadgets hidden in ordinary items | Fox News.

1 comment:

  1. Secret gadgets have been used by real secret agents throughout the history of espionage.

    Consider the umbrella that shot out a small ball full of cyanide, which was used by a Soviet KGB agent to murder a Bulgarian in London during the Cold War.

    Gadgets were used in World War II by the American OSS agents and the British agents. Ian Fleming, who served as a naval intelligence officer during WWII, worked with these agents and he went on to use gadgets in his James Bond novels.

    But the James Bond film series went way overboard with gadgets. Thankfully, the last two Bond films shifted away from the over-the-top gadgets. We'll have what direction the new Bond film, Skyfall, takes.
