Friday, April 11, 2014

The constant that is faith …

… Book review: ‘Why Science Does Not Disprove God’ by Amir D. Aczel — The Washington Post. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

It is not the inability of science to explain some physical phenomenon that shows we cannot disprove the existence of a creative power (i.e., God). Science is a work in progress, and phenomena that science cannot explain now may be explained 100 years from now. Before the 18th century, people had no explanation for lightning. The reason that science cannot disprove the existence of God, in my opinion, is that God, as understood by all human religions, exists outside time and space. God is not part of our physical universe (although God may choose to enter the physical universe at times). God is not subject to experimental tests. Either you believe or you don’t believe.
This sounds about right to me. Of course, if God does choose to enter the universe and someone has experience of this, then the evidence of that experience (such as it may) must be taken into account. It is also possible, and is often claimed, that God did enter the universe and did so in order to reveal something to us. It has been said often that the big question is why is there something and not nothing. But the question of why an eternal being would create time seems just as interesting.

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