Monday, April 07, 2014

I guess I shouldn't post this. Who knows what they'll do to me next ...

In spite of its gigantic size and cost, TSA has not caught one terrorist. Not one airline hijacking is known to have been foiled. However, more than 25,000 security breaches have occurred on its watch.
The biggest threats to airline passengers have consistently come from the TSA. TSA baggage screeners have stolen passengers' valuables, committed rape, groped women, humiliated breast cancer survivors, strip-searched infants, bullied the elderly, fondled genitals, and disassembled prosthetic devices on wounded military. TSA has also been identified as a major security risk when it comes to safeguarding the personal data of passengers. In fact, the TSA has made flying America's worst travel experience.
A few years ago when my gender was becoming more ambiguous but my ID still said male,  I was targeted by the TSA in Philadelphia and was frisked every single time I went through security.  In the upper thigh region.  Now my ID matches, but I still get patted down, every single time I fly out of Philadelphia, but curiously enough, not in any return airport...Sigh.

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