Tuesday, October 07, 2014

No, newspapers would be doing that …

… Maybe the Internet Isn’t Killing Newspapers After All | Chicago magazine | Politics & City Life October 2014. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Newspapers think they can attract young readers by focusing on stuff they think those people are interested in. But young people are not particularly interested in what newspapers have to say about those things. When I was a teenager, I didn't care that the newspapers' music critics thought little of Elvis, and wouldn't have cared much if they had thought the world of him.

Newspapers should face the reality that their readers are older and focus on what those people are interested in. One of those things is books.  Believe it or not, people who read books do so because they like to read, often in vintage formats. Newspapers should certainly cover pop arts, because older people like to know what's up-and-coming, too. But they should be taking the Brooks Brothers route, not the Gap route.

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