Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Not sure what to make of this …

… The Devil’s Bargain — Medium. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Decades ago, Norbert Wiener cautioned scientists against getting too cozy with government. The universities have since got nice and cozy with government because they want the taxpayer dollars on offer. You don't have to blather about capitalism if you feel uneasy about this. As long as there are goods and services to be exchanged, there is going to be a market. And tokens in the form of money are going to expedite market activity (I don't think plastic will ever entirely eliminate cash). As for artists being able to devote themselves full-time to art, they could do that back in the Renaissance, when they were artisans as well as artists. Which is to say they had on offer products and services people were in the market for. If the point of your art-making is exclusively self-expression, well, you're going have to develop a market for your self. In the meantime, getting a day job will keep you acquainted with life as most people live it, which may prove more useful than you suspect when it comes to making art.

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