Monday, December 01, 2014

The Pope on Diversity and the Holy Spirit...

“Only the Holy Spirit is able to kindle diversity, multiplicity, and, at the same time, bring about unity,” Francis said.
“When we try to create diversity, but are closed within our own particular and exclusive ways of seeing things, we create division,” he said. “When we try to create unity through our own human designs, we end up with uniformity and homogenization.”
It doesn’t have to be that way, the pope argued.
“If we let ourselves be led by the Spirit, richness, variety, and diversity will never create conflict, because the Spirit spurs us to experience variety in the communion of the Church,” Francis said.
The pontiff conceded that unity may not be an easy sell.
“The temptation is always within us to resist the Holy Spirit, because he takes us out of our comfort zone and unsettles us,” he said. “It is always easier and more comfortable to settle in our sedentary and unchanging ways.”
Francis called believers to avoid the tug of defensiveness.
“Our defensiveness is evident when we are entrenched within our ideas and our own strengths — in which case we slip into Pelagianism — or when we are ambitious or vain,” he said.
(Pelagianism was an early Christian heresy which held that believers could earn salvation through their own efforts, rather than depending on the grace of God.)
“These defensive mechanisms prevent us from truly understanding other people and from opening ourselves to a sincere dialogue with them,” the pope said.
“The Church, flowing from Pentecost, is given the fire of the Holy Spirit, which does not so much fill the mind with ideas, but enflames the heart,” Francis said. “She is moved by the breath of the Spirit which does not transmit a power, but rather an ability to serve in love, a language which everyone is able to understand.”
From John Allen's article in Crux

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