Friday, January 27, 2017

Well worth watching...


  1. Jeff Mauvais2:45 AM

    I was born into the white working class, as were all of my relatives and most of my friends. This idiot does not speak for us, and he'd be laughed out of any working class bar I've ever patronized. I'd love to watch him try to gut a deer.

  2. Well, I was born into it as well — my mother and her mother, who raised me, wereboth factory workers — and while I can't say Milo speaks for me — I don't need anyone to speak for me — much of what he resonates with me and with many people of similar background that I have talked to.

  3. Jeff Mauvais11:23 PM

    Different working classes, apparently. My German, French and Irish ancestors saw America as the land of opportunity, not of endless grievances. Hundreds of their gravestones are scattered westward across the country, the earliest in 18th-century Pennsylvania and the others in 43 different states. They created social and economic opportunities for themselves, esteemed education and hard work, never sought scapegoats for their own failures. Those qualities are still the ingredients for success in this country. The bitching and whining of white Americans who claim to be "left behind" nauseate me, and should sicken anyone concerned with the future of this nation. We are losing what made us great: fortitude, determination, diligence, personal accountability. Invoking a word beloved by my rancher grandfather, we're losing our grit.

  4. Well, we certainly agree on all that. My ancestors were from Ireland and, later on, Poland. There's a bit of German in there somewhere as well.
