Friday, April 27, 2018

Hmm …

… Was Shakespeare Catholic? | Commonweal Magazine. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Perhaps the best single treatment of the Catholic thesis in this poetry is by an unlikely but welcome hand—the late Judge John Noonan, estimable jurist and historian of moral theology, who died at ninety in April 2017. Shakespeare’s Spiritual Sonnets,Noonan’s final book, showcases a seasoned federal judge’s ability to sift out inadmissible from admissible evidence, to smell a put-up job, and to overrule an objection. The reading jury hears neither special pleading nor an ironclad case, but rather a “convergence of probabilities” suggesting “persuasive coherence.”

1 comment:

  1. Joseph Pearce in several books persuasively advances a similar thesis.
