Saturday, August 04, 2018

Hmm …

… ‘Lolita’ Continues to Seduce Readers - The Atlantic. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

You can rail against Lolita forever. You can maintain, as Weinman does, that “the abuse that Sally Horner, and other girls like her, endured should not be subsumed by dazzling prose, no matter how brilliant.” But these reasonable impulses will get you nowhere. Lolita does not ask us: Are you a feminist, a crusader, an upholder of morals, a defender of girls? Lolita asks us only one question: Are you a reader?
I'm with Sarah on this. I have never read Lolita. I have never wanted to. I started to watch the movie once, but even the charm of James Mason could not keep me from turning it off.

1 comment:

  1. I am not sure that "being a reader", as the writer claims, is enough qualification for reading everything. The whole point of being a good reader, one would suppose, is to discriminate and choose what is worth reading.
