Tuesday, February 12, 2019

You can’t make this up …

… Welcome back Titania McGrath! | Spectator USA. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

But apparently you can. Dave sends along this:

The genius of Titania McGrath.
Private Eye recently featured a tweet by Titania McGrath in Pseuds’ Corner. She was advertising her new book Woke: a Guide to Social Justice: ‘I have written the most important book of 2019. Do not buy it for my sake, but for the sake of humanity.’ The magazine was fooled. Titania is a spoof, and her book, out next month, is categorised on Wikipedia as ‘Genre: Humour’. She tweets every day. On Monday: ‘Dear Hollywood, please reshoot every scene that Liam Neeson has ever acted in and replace him with Christopher Plummer. Do this NOW’ and, ‘If you don’t think exactly the same way as me, you have clearly got a lot to learn about diversity.’ Last week: ‘It’s a broken kind of democracy which allows a majority of voters to impose their wishes on the rest of us.’ She is a genius.
Well, I got taken in, that's for sure.

Post bumped.


  1. I confess. I read the whole thing.

  2. Or rather obviously you can, but why bother?
