Sunday, June 30, 2019

To each his own …

… Anecdotal Evidence: 'Perished in the Blitz of 1940'. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

I can think of other 20th-century writers who are more overrated than Orwell. How about Hemingway?


  1. Hmmm .... most underrated and misunderstood: Flannery O’Connor .....

  2. Camus is perhaps about as overrated as Orwell. A great writer, no doubt, but the shout about him exceeds the accomplishment.

    Graham Greene used to be overrated, but now would be underrated if he weren't neglected: no "rating" at all.

  3. I don't know if Camus is overrated as a writer, but he was an estimable human being, principled and courageous. Sartre, on the other hand, has surely been overrated. Talk about mauvaise foi.
