Thursday, July 04, 2019

Hmm …

 Virtue Gone Mad > Theodore Dalrymple. (Hat tip, Dave Lull.)

Forgiveness of sins, loving one’s enemy and turning the other cheek if he strikes you, the moral superiority of the poor over the rich, atonement and redemption, are still very much present in the moral psychology of the west, even among the explicitly atheist. They obviously derive from Christianity, even if their ultimate justification (if any) is entirely different from that offered by Christianity.
The premise of religion — pretty much across the board from the start — has to do with atonement for a grievous breach of trust (so-called Original Sin). One need only look around or within to discover plenty of evidence is support of the hypothesis. To secularize it is to reinforce the breach — by making man himself the author of his salvation.

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