Thursday, December 12, 2019

The peasants are revolting …

… God bless them: UK general election 2019: exit poll predicts 86-seat Conservative landslide majority – live news | Politics | The Guardian.

Methinks this may signal the beginning of the end of rule by credentialed ignoramuses. 


  1. Boris Johnson's hair looks not unlike a haystack, but other than that I see little in the conservative leadership to suggest the peasantry. Johnson attended Eton and Balliol, and was president of the Oxford Union. Jacob Rees-Mogg, the only other front-bencher whose name I recall, went to Eton and Trinity (Oxford). Maybe the HR Department at Google would not consider these as high credentials, but how many of us live in that world?

  2. I wasn't referring to Johnson et al. When was the last time someone from public school wasn't running for office in the UK? I meant the public. The overwhelming repudiation of the loathsome Jeremy Corbyn and what is left of Labour seems noteworthy to me.

  3. It surely is, Frank!
