Friday, September 01, 2023

A poem …

 … written by my daughter, Jennifer Knox.

Summer Lightning

What were you doing when the lightning came,

When the world fairly glistened with fireflies?

And then there was thunder, like God at the door.

Your heart did not stop, though maybe it tried.

And what were you doing when the lightning came?

Thoughts of my true-love, a flash of his eyes.

And then came the thunder to snuff us like ants,

Come to your senses, this lady-bug flies!

And what were you doing when the lightning came,

To shatter the glass of the jewel-cleaved sky?

A heartbeat, a heartbeat, then thunder came.

My children lay sleeping, and never a cry.

By light of lightning my lover I see

A pause, then thunder; he's crying for me

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